The on-going adventures of a Catholic, homeschooling family who have built a family home and continue working on cultivating a homestead while they are trying to NOT lose their focus on Godly priorities... or their minds!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Gotta' catch up...
I'm so VERY behind on posting all the cute photos and precious moments we've had the past few weeks (months?). I never got a chance to do the Christmas photos justice, either. Oh well... So is the life of a mother and the guilt is stacking up...
Guilt - it's with all of us, isn't it? Sometimes I wish technology wasn't available, so I didn't have to be some kind of video archivist. Other times, I'm grateful for it. Great photos.
1 comment:
Guilt - it's with all of us, isn't it? Sometimes I wish technology wasn't available, so I didn't have to be some kind of video archivist. Other times, I'm grateful for it. Great photos.
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