Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sneak peak of Christmas pictures...

Merry Christmas one and all! I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to update the blog again until after Christmas.

We had a blast taking these live nativity pictures. We got quite a few shots to sort thru... Hannah on the far left is Grace's best friend so she joined us and Jacob thought he was too old to participate. :-/

I long ago concluded that it was just as appropriate and fun to send Christmas greetings during the Christmas season so I'm not going to fret over getting them out after Christmas day. I'm just a rebel...


Vincenzo Castaldo said...

Merry Christmas!!!Vincenzo (Italy)

Nissa said...

Oh, Joanna! So sweet. We're doing a Holy Family Tableau tomorrow night. Brian, Louis, and I are playing Joseph, Jesus and Mary!



Anonymous said...

Wow, that's great!!!!

Alice Gunther said...

These pictures are stunning!

Alice Gunther said...

These pictures are incredibly adorable!