The on-going adventures of a Catholic, homeschooling family who have built a family home and continue working on cultivating a homestead while they are trying to NOT lose their focus on Godly priorities... or their minds!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Love that cream color...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Can you believe that Emma is a year old?!!! Tuesday was her birthday and she got her first piece of cake.
Siding going up!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I'm attempting to figure out how our new kitchen needs to be arranged and select a range. This is so much more overwhelming than I had imagined! I'm getting a bit too scrupulous about picking this range out, too. Decisions, decisions....
Monday, March 13, 2006
Tales from the Bonny Blue HouseCheck out this great list of St. Patrick's day literature. Many of these were new to me. Enjoy!
Well, the rental house had carpet put down so we had to pack up LOTS of books in the bookcases and turn the house upside down to accomodate. In the meantime, I'm searching for a front door that I can get like we want it and also trying to start picking out kitchen cabinets. OVERWHELMED describes me perfectly right now.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
I just had to include a link to this. This is SO funny and SO right on - I can't wait to read it!
So here's how the house is today, March 5th. Should we put the planned rails on it or just posts without railings? Let me know what you think!!!
Yesterday we planted a spring garden. Here's Vince getting it more ready for our crops. We planted onions, cabbage, broccoli, garden peas and carrots. Everyone got in on the act!
And there's Farmer Vince preparing our garden spot! You can see the house is closed in now...
It's really looking like a home now! March 1, 2006
Well, I'm finally getting around to updating! I have lots of pictures of this past week's progress to share. Lent has begun and I just love this time of year! These pictures were taken Feb. 27.